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135-01 Crossbay Blvd Ozone Park, NY 11417  Local: (718) 322-4000

Wedding Flowers
Tastefully Timeless Bouquet in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
Tastefully Timeless
Beautiful light pink and white roses fill this bouquet with elegant energy for a simple and bright bridal look.
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Shown at $325.99
Shown at $325.99
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Marry Mauve Bouquet in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
Marry Mauve
A vibrant variety of purple flowers with a touch of green make up this bright and bold bouquet For pricing information, please call (718) 322-4000 for a bridal consultation.
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Shown at $299.99
Shown at $299.99
Same Day Delivery!
Elevated Ivory Sign Accent in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
Elevated Ivory
Sign Accent
Hand-painted lettering on an elegant framed mirror is accented with roses, hydrangeas, and greenery in this wedding welcome sign. For pricing information, please call (718) 322-4000 for a bridal consultation.
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Elegant Ivory Centerpiece in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
Elegant Ivory
Soft white and ivory flowers come together in this beautifully delicate vase arrangement. For pricing information, please call (718) 322-4000 for a bridal consultation.
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A Box of Pretty Centerpiece in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
A Box of Pretty
This petite wooden box filled with soft and bold pink flowers that are accented with delicate green hydrangeas. For pricing information, please call (718) 322-4000 for a bridal consultation.
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Kiss of Daylight Centerpiece in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
Kiss of Daylight
This large vase is packed with vibrant pink flowers and overflowing greenery that creates a garden feel. For pricing information, please call (718) 322-4000 for a bridal consultation.
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Same Day Delivery!
White Candle Garden Altar Arrangement in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
White Candle Garden
Altar Arrangement
Contrasting tall and short ivory flowers pair beautifully with long and delicate hanging greenery. For pricing information, please call (718) 322-4000 for a bridal consultation.
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Breathtaking Bunch Centerpiece in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
Breathtaking Bunch
White hydrangeas and roses are the focus of this arrangement with accents of green overflowing in a beautiful wooden planter. For pricing information, please call (718) 322-4000 for a bridal consultation.
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Same Day Delivery!
Graceful Greenery Curtain Accents in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
Graceful Greenery
Curtain Accents
This delicate greenery adds the perfect touch of enchanting beauty to curtains and altars without taking away from the other wedding decor For pricing information, please call (718) 322-4000 for a bridal consultation.
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Same Day Delivery!
Decadent Darling Hanging Arrangement in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
Decadent Darling
Hanging Arrangement
Vibrant light and dark pinks pop against dark greenery in these colorful door hangers. For pricing information, please call (718) 322-4000 for a bridal consultation.
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Succulent Serenity Boutonniere in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
Succulent Serenity
These soft, neutral-green tones create a southern feel that stands out with beautiful brunia in this unique boutonniere. For pricing information, please call (718) 322-4000 for a bridal consultation.
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Same Day Delivery!
Rosey Desert Bouquet in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
Rosey Desert
Pink and white roses, white hydrangeas, and beautiful succulents create a light, bold look in this bridal bouquet.
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Shown at $249.99
Shown at $249.99
Same Day Delivery!
Dreamy Pink & White Garland in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
Dreamy Pink & White
This stunning pink and white hanging garland is a gorgeous addition to any doorway. For pricing information, please call (718) 322-4000 for a bridal consultation.
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Same Day Delivery!
Riot of Color Hanging Arrangement in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
Riot of Color
Hanging Arrangement
Varying tones of pink flowers are accented with green hydrangeas and greenery in this hanging basket arrangement. For pricing information, please call (718) 322-4000 for a bridal consultation.
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Enchanting Pinks & Purples Hanging Arrangement in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
Enchanting Pinks & Purples
Hanging Arrangement
Pink and purple flowers are joined with delicate green hydrangea and greenery in an enchanting hanging arrangement. For pricing information, please call (718) 322-4000 for a bridal consultation.
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Bursting Ivory Pinks Table Arrangement in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
Bursting Ivory Pinks
Table Arrangement
White, ivory, and pink flowers and greenery make up this stunning vase arrangement for a bright and beautiful look. For pricing information, please call (718) 322-4000 for a bridal consultation.
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Same Day Delivery!
Pinky Greens Hydrangea Wreath in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
Pinky Greens Hydrangea
Soft pinks and whites come together in this bold wreath that is decorated with eucalyptus and other greenery For pricing information, please call (718) 322-4000 for a bridal consultation.
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Same Day Delivery!
Optimistic Ivory Table Arrangement in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
Optimistic Ivory
Table Arrangement
This grand arrangement with light and bright flowers add a touch of elegance and class to the room that everyone will love. For pricing information, please call (718) 322-4000 for a bridal consultation.
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Same Day Delivery!
Uniquely Bold Centerpiece in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
Uniquely Bold
A tall, cylindrical vase is filled with wooden logs, supporting white and green hydrangeas and white tulips for a unique and bold feel. For pricing information, please call (718) 322-4000 for a bridal consultation.
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Same Day Delivery!
Rosey Waterfall Wedding Cake Flowers in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
Rosey Waterfall
Wedding Cake Flowers
Each layer of this wedding cake is decorated with pink-toned and white roses that make this simple cake stand out. For pricing information, please call (718) 322-4000 for a bridal consultation.
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Same Day Delivery!
Royally Golden Centerpiece in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
Royally Golden
This small vase arrangement packs a punch with its stunning gold vase and pink, white, and green flowers. For pricing information, please call (718) 322-4000 for a bridal consultation.
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Same Day Delivery!
Blue Sky & Sunflowers Altar Arrangement in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
Blue Sky & Sunflowers
Altar Arrangement
This colorful and bold arrangement gives off a sunny day vibe with it's stunning sunflowers and blue hydrangeas. For pricing information, please call (718) 322-4000 for a bridal consultation.
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Same Day Delivery!
Superb Serenity Altar Arrangement in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
Superb Serenity
Altar Arrangement
Bubbly cream and white hydrangeas and roses fill this altar arrangement that is accented with dark and wispy greenery. For pricing information, please call (718) 322-4000 for a bridal consultation.
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Same Day Delivery!
Bubbly Enchantments Altar Arrangement in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
Bubbly Enchantments
Altar Arrangement
Pink, cream, and green flowers come together in this tall and broad altar arrangement with a bubbly look. For pricing information, please call (718) 322-4000 for a bridal consultation.
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Same Day Delivery!
Whispers of Calla Lilies Centerpiece in Ozone Park, NY | Heavenly Florist
Whispers of Calla Lilies
White lilies fill the bottom of this arrangement with a layer of roses in the middle, all topped of with elegant, white calla lilies for a unique table arrangement For pricing information, please call (718) 322-4000 for a bridal consultation.
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Same Day Delivery!

Custom Flower Design
Custom Flower Design
Let us create a custom flower arrangement for you.
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Make Heavenly Florist your first choice for premium fresh flowers and upscale design artistry for your dream wedding and all your special occasions!

We take special care to ensure the bouquets and on-site floral décor reflect your individual style and budget…whether you prefer timeless tradition or a sleek contemporary look. If you decide to choose a theme when planning your wedding or party, some of these may include: Island Paradise, Victorian Garden Party, Holiday Winter Wonderland, Military Wedding, Traditional Celtic and other fun and unique ideas.

Each wedding we do is custom-designed with you in mind!

At Heavenly Florist, we go the extra mile to ensure your flowers are more than a memory. Our wedding consultants can offer lots of beautiful style suggestions in an effort to create the overall look you hope to achieve.

Ask about wedding floral packages that may include:

the bridal bouquet ~ attendants' bouquets ~ corsages & boutonnieres ~ ceremony arrangements ~ candelabra flowers ~ pew markers ~ floral & foliage garlands ~ table centerpieces ~ flowers for cake tables ~ topiaries ~ arches & entryways, etc.

Pick a bouquet that's just right for you!

With our talent, training and experience, we will bring your special day to life... with classic traditional bouquets, or more modern cutting-edge styles in bridal and wedding flowers.

We can create a personalized look by adding embellishments to your bouquet and bouquet handle with sparkling touches or accents like heirloom jewelry, brooches, pearls, berries, butterflies, decorative colored wire, rhinestones, ribbon, burlap, lace, tulle, peacock feathers and almost anything else.

We would love to make all your special days, extra special!

For your convenience, our shop offers the following special event services:

  • Wedding and Party Consultations
  • On-site Holiday & Party Decorating for Homes or Businesses
  • Corporate Event Planning & Designing for Functions
  • Wedding & Party Rentals

Wedding flowers are much more than just an accessory to your big day.

Wedding flowers are something you will remember for a lifetime. These are the flowers that will always trigger special memories of the day you shared, so it's important to pick something perfectly you. Just as important is choosing the right florist and Heavenly Florist is ready to help you! Call us in advance at (718) 322-4000 to schedule a consultation. We'd love to help you start planning your dream wedding or your next successful event.

We want to provide you with flowers that are as beautifully unforgettable as your wedding day memories will be. Call Heavenly Florist today!